Technical Aspects of Harvesting the Radial Artery with the Harmonic Scalpel


  • C. Locker
  • Y. Ben-Gal
  • Y. Paz
  • O. Lev-Ran
  • N. Nesher
  • G. Uretzky
  • R. Mohr
  • I. Shapira



Background: Harvesting the radial artery (RA) with ultrasonic dissection with the Harmonic Scalpel reduces spasm induced by surgical handling. Topical exposure to phentolamine methanesulphonate (Regitine) exerts an additional effect of vasodilatation.

Methods: Between January and December 2002, the RA was harvested as a pediculated vessel with the Harmonic Scalpel in 145 consecutive patients undergoing myocardial revascularization. A fasciotomy of the pedicle was performed after harvesting. A composite graft with the reverse free RA on the in situ left internal thoracic artery (ITA) was prepared before the construction of distal coronary anastomoses. The RA was then placed in a syringe filled with Regitine (0.07

g/mL) for 10 minutes.

Results: The mean number of grafts/patient was 3.0. The mean number of RA anastomoses was 2.0/patient. Left ITA free flow was 105 ± 34 mL/min. Regitine increased the RA free flow from 60 ± 35 mL/min to 82 ± 30 mL/min (P < .05). Fourteen patients underwent postoperative coronary angiography. All RA anastomoses were patent.

Conclusion: The compound effect of RA harvesting with the Harmonic Scalpel and topical treatment with the a blocking agent Regitine increases the RA free flow and significantly decreases intraoperative spasticity.


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How to Cite

Locker, C., Ben-Gal, Y., Paz, Y., Lev-Ran, O., Nesher, N., Uretzky, G., Mohr, R., & Shapira, I. (2005). Technical Aspects of Harvesting the Radial Artery with the Harmonic Scalpel. The Heart Surgery Forum, 6(5), 345-347.


