Successful Single Lung Fontan Operation in 2 Children: Case Reports


  • D. Schmauss
  • I. Kaczmarek
  • J. Sachweh
  • R. Kozlik-Feldmann
  • R. Sodian
  • M. A. Deutsch
  • B. Reichart
  • S. H. Daebritz



We report on 2 children, aged 3 and 4 years, with single ventricle physiology who underwent Fontan operation in the presence of a single right lung successfully with good midterm outcome. Therefore, the absence of one lung is not a contraindication for a Fontan palliation in selected patients with optimal hemodynamics.


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How to Cite

Schmauss, D., Kaczmarek, I., Sachweh, J., Kozlik-Feldmann, R., Sodian, R., Deutsch, M. A., Reichart, B., & Daebritz, S. H. (2007). Successful Single Lung Fontan Operation in 2 Children: Case Reports. The Heart Surgery Forum, 10(4), E331-E333.


