Clinical Characteristics of Acute Lower Extremity Ischemia Due to Left Atrial Myxoma: A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature
cardiac myxoma, embolism, limb ischemia, aortaAbstract
Emboli caused by cardiac myxomas mostly occur in the cardiovascular or cerebrovascular systems and rarely in the lower extremity vasculature. We introduce the rare case of a patient with left atrial myxoma (LAM) whose right lower extremity (RLE) suffered from acute ischemia due to tumor fragments, along with a review of the relevant literature, and highlight the clinical characteristics of LAM. An 81-year-old female presented with acute ischemia of RLE. Color Doppler ultrasound showed no blood flow signal far from the RLE femoral artery. Computed tomography angiography showed an occlusion of the right common femoral artery. A transthoracic echocardiogram revealed a left atrial mass. Femoral artery embolectomy was performed under local anesthesia, followed by thoracotomy with tumor resection under general anesthesia on postoperative day seven. The tumor was pathologically confirmed as an atrial myxoma. A literature search of the PubMed database returned 58 cases of limb ischemia due to LAM, and the conclusions drawn from the statistical analysis were that emboli from LAM occurred most commonly in the aortoiliac and bilateral lower limb vasculature and were rarely associated with upper extremity and atrial fibrillation. Multisystem embolism is characteristic of cardiac myxoma. The removed embolus should be examined pathologically for signs of a cardiac myxoma. Lower-limb embolisms should be promptly diagnosed and treated to avoid osteofascial compartment syndrome.
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