Combined Surgical Approach to Multiple Giant Coronary Artery Aneurysms


  • Kaan Inan
  • Alper Ucak
  • Burak Onan
  • Oral Hastaoglu
  • Veysel Temizkan
  • Ahmet Turan Yilmaz



Multiple giant coronary artery aneurysms are rare but can develop in the presence of an underlying atherosclerotic vessel disease. Nevertheless, there is no consensus on the ideal surgical treatment or on operative procedures, including aneurysm resection, ligation, distal bypass, and graft interposition. We present the case of a 72-year-old woman with a history of multiple arterial aneurysms who was admitted to the emergency clinic with sudden-onset chest pain and dyspnea. The patient's diagnosis was ischemic heart disease and multiple giant coronary artery aneurysms involving the left anterior descending coronary artery and the proximal and distal segments of the right coronary artery. We present a combined surgical approach to multiple giant coronary artery aneurysms associated with atherosclerosis.


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How to Cite

Inan, K., Ucak, A., Onan, B., Hastaoglu, O., Temizkan, V., & Yilmaz, A. T. (2009). Combined Surgical Approach to Multiple Giant Coronary Artery Aneurysms. The Heart Surgery Forum, 12(5), E294-E296.


