Comparison between OPCABG and CABG Surgical Revascularization Using Transit Time Flow Measurement (TTFM)
CABG, OPCABG, TTFM, Coronary surgeryAbstract
Objective: To compare the intraoperative quality of coronary anastomoses performed with or without cardiopulmonary bypass using transit time flow measurement
(TTFM) parameters.
Methods: We collected data from 588 consecutive patients who underwent surgical revascularization. We retrospectively reviewed data from two groups: 411 with cardiopulmonary bypass (CABG group) and 177 off-pump (OPCABG group). Transit time flow measurement parameters: mean graft flow (MGF), pulsatile index (PI), and diastolic filing (DF) were measured for each graft and patient.
Results: Patients in the OPCABG group had higher EuroSCORE compared with the CABG group (3.53 ± 2.32 versus 2.84 ± 2.15, P = .002). Overall comparison of TTFM parameters showed no statistical difference between the two surgical techniques except for PI in circumflex artery territory, which was higher in the OPCABG group for all types of grafts 3.0 ± 4.9 versus 2.4 ± 2.0 in, P = .026.
Conclusion: The comparison between OPCABG and CABG in this study showed comparable results with both surgical techniques. PI was higher in the OPCABG group in harder-to-reach vessel territories. Measurement of transit time may improve the quality, safety, and efficacy of coronary artery bypass grafting and should be considered as a routine procedure.
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