Is Surgical Thrombo-Embolectomy in Acute Limb Ischemia Still Advantageous in Patients More Than 65 Years of Age?
Thrombo-embolectomy in Over 65 Years of Age
Elderly, Acute peripheral embolism, Cardiovascular disease, Surgical embolectomyAbstract
Objective: In this study, we investigated the benefits of using Fogarty balloon catheterization in the treatment of acute leg ischemia with respect to amputation, fasciotomy, and mortality in older patients.
Methods: A total of 102 patients age >65 who had a
Fogarty thrombo-embolectomy for acute thromboembolic limb ischemia were investigated retrospectively. Patients were evaluated based on Rutherford IIa and IIb criteria and duration of ischemia. Duration of ischemia was divided into 3 categories (as 0 to 4, 4 to 8, and >8 hours) to evaluate the effect of ischemia period on vital parameters and mortality. Analysis with Cox regression showed that 30-day mortality was associated with older age and number of comorbidities such as amputation and fasciotomy.
Results: In 102 patients >65 years of age who underwent embolectomy, rates were 7.2% fasciotomy (n = 7) and 13.7% amputation (n = 14), and 10 patients died (9.8%). According to multiple regression analysis, the surgical risk increases 1074 times when each year is added to the chronological age of over 65 years.
Conclusion: In a majority of cases, limb salvage can be obtained via simple embolectomy rather than risking intravenous iodinated contrast. Although alternatives in older patients are limited, the Fogarty catheter should be regarded as a first-line treatment because of its ease of use and low complication rate.
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