Identification of Genetic Variants Associated With Myocardial Infarction in Saudi Arabia
Coronary artery disease, genetic variant, myocardial infarction, Saudi Arabia, single nucleotide polymorphism.Abstract
The genetic variants associated with various genetic disorders have not been identified decisively in Saudi Arabia. Among these variants, six known for their association with coronary artery disease or myocardial infarction (MI) were studied on Saudi patients. Reference single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of these variants are rs5174, rs11591147, rs2259816, rs111245230, rs3782886 and rs2259820, referring to genes LRP8, PCSK9, HNF1A, SVEP1, BRAP and HNF1A, respectively. The analysis employed polymerase chain reaction panel coupled with mini-sequencing
(SNapShot multiplex system) in order to identify these variants. A total of 100 MI patients and 103 healthy control individuals participated in this study. The six variants (SNPs) were evaluated for the risk of developing MI in the Saudi patients. Analysis of allele frequencies indicated that A allele of rs11591147 variant can be a protective allele, thus, is associated with the decreased risk of MI in Saudi individuals. Rare allele of rs111245230 variant (e.g., C allele) was extremely reduced, while rare allele of rs3782886 variant (e.g., G allele) does not exist in the ethnic signature of the Saudi population. This study elucidates the possible prediction of risk factors associated with severe diseases in Saudi population utilizing SNapShot multiplex system.
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