Off-Pump Excision of Left Atrial Appendage Aneurysm: A Case Report


  • A. K. Baburaj
  • T Rameshwara
  • Kannan A. Vellachamy
  • Murali P. Vettath



Isolated congenital intrapericardial aneurysm of the left atrium (LA) or the left atrial appendage (LAA) is a rare anomaly [Zhao 1999]. The patient usually presents with features of systemic embolization, serious arrhythmia, and severe congestive cardiac failure as a complication, which can be fatal. Once the condition is diagnosed, surgery is indicated [Zhao 1999]. We report a case of congenital left atrial appendage aneurysm in a woman who underwent excision of the same.


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How to Cite

Baburaj, A. K., Rameshwara, T., Vellachamy, K. A., & Vettath, M. P. (2005). Off-Pump Excision of Left Atrial Appendage Aneurysm: A Case Report. The Heart Surgery Forum, 9(1), E478-E479.


