Clampless Anastomosis: Novel Device for Clampless Proximal Vein Anastomosis in OPCAB Surgery--The Initial Spyder Experience


  • Baron L. Hamman
  • Cory H. White
  • Michael Fontes
  • Lise Labiche



The Spyder is a novel device that enables the attachment of a vein to the aorta by compliant, interrupted anastomosis; this minimizes aortic manipulation during off pump-coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) surgery. Its use may reduce transcra-nial Doppler signals recorded during CABG. We performed 250 anastomoses in 160 OPCAB cases in many centers and recorded efficiency and efficacy data. There were no adverse events noted during the operative period. In a subset of patients in one center, flow (n = 48) and transcranial Doppler signals (n = 22) were measured. We found the device to be a useful adjunct for minimally invasive CABG surgery.


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How to Cite

Hamman, B. L., White, C. H., Fontes, M., & Labiche, L. (2005). Clampless Anastomosis: Novel Device for Clampless Proximal Vein Anastomosis in OPCAB Surgery--The Initial Spyder Experience. The Heart Surgery Forum, 8(6), E443-E446.


